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About us

Frustrating rural poverty through AWILI

Agwenda Brief

We are a private limited company providing agro-related products and services to rural communities in central and northern region of Malawi. We are also registered by the Central Bank of Malawi as a Microfinance Institution providing cash, farm inputs and improved local chickens to women and youths under our model Agwenda Women Input Loan Initiative (AWILI). The model recognizes the gap that rural women and youths face in accessing loans from formal financial institutions as they are usually rendered un-bankable.  By providing improved farm inputs through our agro shops and imparting farming knowledge through our extension officers, our rural women and youth farmers are equipped for the farming season!

After registering bumper harvest, we are paid in back in harvest (crops and eggs) at a fair rate. When the eggs are repaid, they are incubated at our farm; the newly hatched chicks are nurtured and given to new clients (women and youths) at 5 weeks old to realize high chicken survival rate.

When paid back in crops/harvest, we sell off the produce/grain and procure more climate resilient seeds and other inputs for both old and new farmers to plant in the upcoming rainfed season thereby achieving project/business sustainability in a manner that both the farmer and the company go home smiling (win-win). We then provide buy-back services for the extra harvest from farmers thereby providing steady markets while increasing household incomes. We have existing contracts with larger off-takers (both domestically and regionally) where we sale off the produce. Our promoted value chains are Poultry, Rice, Soybeans, Groundnuts and Maize.

We have a team of 5 senior management, 8 extension officers and 34 lead farmers that supports 3650 farmers already organized in formal groups of cooperatives and associations, the groups are further chunked into clubs (10 people per club) which also acts as a social collateral. Our model is loved by rural women and youths because of its innovativeness as it relates well with rural agribusiness.

Our goal is to reach to 10,000 rural women and youth farmers by 2026.

  • Agro-dealership

    Selling improved and certified farm inputs and agro-vet products at a competitive price in rural (hard to reach) strategic points for smallholder farmers to easily access.

  • Micro Agro-Input Finance

    Providing improved and certified agro-inputs (fertilizers, inoculant, maize and legume seed) on credit to organized groups (cooperatives, associations, clubs ) targeting women and youth to improve their productivity and take farming as a business under Agwenda Women Input Loan Initiative.

  • Climate Smart Agriculture

    Providing climate smart farming advice to smallholder farmers in a bid to improve their productivity for easy input loan repayment. We also operate a Sugarcane and Mango farm while practicing CSA.

  • Collective Marketing

    Consolidating smallholder farmer produce and engaging reputable off-takers in a bid to improve farmer revenues (incomes).



Micro Agro-input Finance

Micro Agro-input Finance

Climate Smart Agriculture

Climate Smart Agriculture

Collective Marketing

Collective Marketing

As a leading college in Paris, we look to engage with our student beyond the conventional design and development school relationship, becoming a partner to the people and companies we work with.

Frustrating rural poverty through AWILI

Take advantage of the experiential-learning opportunities built into many programs. You can work in labs on and off

To meet the farmers’ expectation and beyond. 

To be the company that satisfies the product, service and self-fulfillment needs of rural women smallholder farmers through Agribusiness across Malawi.

To contribute towards increasing incomes and improve food security for smallholder (especially women and youth) farming households across Malawi in a profit oriented and sustainable manner.

Why we exist

Frustrating rural poverty through AWILI

The Problem

The main problem of Malawi’s agriculture are low productivity and profitability of smallholder agriculture. Limited access to improved farming inputs has contributed to low productivity leading to most rural household food insecure. Shortage of markets (especially by women) has led to low profitability. Despite women championing farm activities, they are the most marginalized in accessing input finance.

The Solution

We provide improved and certified agro-inputs to rural masses at competitive prices to ensure they access quality inputs in a bid to increase productivity. We deliberately target women by financing them with improved farm inputs on loan paid back in kind.

Our targeted value chains are oil crops, spices, rice and legumes. We provide ready markets under the same value chains.

Micro-finance beneficiaries
Lives changed
We have a vibrant and experienced advisory board

Advisory Board

Jes Colding

Jes Colding

Board Chairperson, Denmark
Marta Stenz

Marta Stenz

Board Member, Denmark
Aubrey Ng’onamo

Aubrey Ng’onamo

Board member. Doncaster, UK